At the time of its creation Cassville was located in Wayne County, Virginia. Today, the town is part of West Virginia and is known as Fort Gay. It was laid out on a 15 acre parcel of land that is situated at the Forks of Big Sandy. After the state won a lawsuit against the original land owners in 1847, the property was turned over to Frederick Moore, a well-to-do merchant in Wayne County who had come to the area from Philadelphia about 1815. He lived in the first house below the proposed town of Cassville.
Moore divided the land into lots and streets. Most of the streets were named after US presidents, with the exception of Front Street which faced the river and Wayne Street which was the direct route from the ferry landing in Cassville to Trout's Hill, the county seat. The ferry, operated by George R. Miller, connected Cassville with Louisa, the county seat of Lawrence County, Kentucky, and landed at the end of Main Street.
Plat Map of Cassville, Virginia, Sept. 2, 1856 |
The first lots in Cassville were sold in 1850. Lot No. 1 with the Ferry House was first owned by Minville Thompson.
Lot No. 2 was bought by John Ferguson, Sr. in 1851. In 1852, William Ferguson, Sr. purchased the neighboring Lot No. 3. Both Ferguson lots were listed with "enclosed buildings." The same year, John Ferguson sold Lot No. 2 to William Ferguson, noting "house and lot where they (John and wife Margaretha) now live." By 1879, Lots No. 1, 2 and 3 were known as the old Henry Property.
In 1851, James Ferguson purchased lot No. 4 from Moore, "laid out for Ferguson, upon which he has erected buildings." By 1854, the lot had reverted back to Moore who in turn sold it to John Bromley.
Elias "Aly" Thompson lived on lot No. 5. A store building was fronting Wayne Street. On the back part of the lot was Thompson's home which became known as "Aly Thompson's House." Thompson also owned neighboring Lot No. 6.
No. 7 was known as the "Mitchel lot", likely named after David Mitchell & wife Melvina, who ran a saddler shop.
In 1854, Frederick Moore sold Lots No. 9 & 10 to James Stone. He also owned Lot No. 11. Stone was a merchant. Based on the records, he operated his store on Lot No. 9. This lot was later known as the "grocery lot." His wife Nancy ran a hotel on Lot No. 10. Their residence was on Lot No. 11. In addition to being a businessman, Stone held the office of judge in 1861. In October of 1861, his name appeared on a list of suspected Confederate sympathizers.
Lots No. 15 & 16 were purchased by William Vinson from Frederick Moore. The exact date is unknown since Moore failed to make a deed (an oversight that was corrected in 1873 by his widow Permelia).
Permelia VanHorn Moore Image: Collection of author |
Some of the remaining lots still owned by Moore had in all likelihood houses, stores, etc. built on them and may have been rented out. Based on the 1860 Cassville, Virginia census, Lot No. 6 may have been where Martin Frasher, a merchant, kept his store. Lot No. 12 was most likely occupied by Washington Ratliff who was a direct neighbor of James Stone. Lot 13 and/or 14 may have been the location of Stephen M. Marcum's blacksmith shop. He also worked as a gunsmith. Martin Coffman was the town's carpenter. It is not clear where his business may have been located but it was near the business section on Wayne Street. Harmon Loar, a prolific businessman, also called Cassville home. His business dealings included shipping agricultural products for area farmers to markets on the Ohio River via the Big Sandy. In return, many of the area families relied on Harmon's suppliers for many of the farm tools and luxury items they needed. So far, the exact location of the homes of these Cassville residents remains unknown.
On September 7, 1855, the first Post Office in town opened and was named Fort Gay. The first postmaster was William Ferguson who held the office until March 12, 1857. He was replaced by Richard F. Vinson who served until July 29, 1857. Andrew Eves was the next postmaster who served for two years until August 4, 1859 when George F. Ratliff took over the office. He was replaced by Ezekiel Stone on November 28, 1859, who was postmaster until February 3, 1860 when the post-office was discontinued. Ezekiel Stone may have been either the father or son of James Stone, so it is very likely that the post office was located either in his store or hotel.
When the Civil War began, active recruiting began almost immediately after the first shots were fired at Fort Sumpter. The political climate in Cassville and the town's immediate neighborhood was overwhelmingly Southern. There were some Union supporters such as Frederick Moore whose son Laban T. Moore was a lawyer and politician who represented Kentucky in the Thirty-sixth Congress until March 1861. He helped raise the first Union infantry regiment in the Big Sandy Valley, the 14th Kentucky Infantry, and served as the regiment's first Colonel.
William Vinson, the oldest son of James Vinson, was an extensive farmer and saw log dealer. When the Civil War began, it was said that, "he with alacrity flew to the standard of his country, and gave valuable assistance in filling the ranks of the 14th KY, and while not able to do personal service in the field, he was a good loyal Union man until the war closed." It was not uncommon, however, that political divisions existed even within communities and even families. Vinson's younger brother Lazarus "Lace" Vinson joined the Southern cause and served in Swan's Battalion. Stephen M. Marcum's son Thomas Damron Marcum joined the 14th Kentucky Infantry and soon rose to the rank of Captain of Company K, while another son, William W. Marcum, joined the 8th VA Cavalry. Stephen M. Marcum's cousin Jack Marcum also joined the Confederates and soon managed to make a notorious reputation for himself.
One of the earliest Wayne County units was the Fairview Rifles, commanded by James M. Cornes, which later became Co. K, 8th Virginia Cavalry (CS). One of the Fairview Rifles members was Cassville resident James F. Anderson, a timberman who boarded with Harmon Loar. Anderson later became Captain of Company K, 16th VA Cavalry.
A number of area residents joined the 8th Virginia Cavalry (CS): Thomas Short (s/o Nora/Nary); Ezekiel Stone, Moses and William M. Stone (s/o James); William M. Marcum (s/o Stephen M.); Lewis and Nathan H. Frasher (sons of John L.); John Walker.
In no time at all Cassville became a hotbed of activity. Some of the recruits made forays into Kentucky which at the time was neutral. An eyewitness recalled how in May of 1861, a small party of rebels on recruiting duty were encamped at Cassville. "Every day for about a week a squad of six to ten would come over to Louisa, mounted, and ride through the principal streets of the town. They were in citizen's clothing. At other times we would see one or two around town on foot. They did not appear to be armed, unless with sidearms."
In the summer of 1861, it was reported that several mails had been robbed in the counties along the Kentucky and Virginia line, "by men, who came from Virginia, across the line, for that purpose." One such incident took place on Wednesday, August 21, 1861, when the mail from Louisa to Warfield, via Cassville (VA), was robbed. Nathan Holt, a wealthy Wayne Co. VA farmer and one of the first local constables, was the mail contractor. The mail boy, his 17 year old son Bernard P. Holt, had left Warfield at 6 o'clock in the morning with the mail and was travelling on the Virginia side of the Big Sandy River toward Cassville. About 5 o'clock in the evening, when within 1 1/2 miles of town, Bernard noticed two men, Alex. Vinson and John Walker, on the roadside waiting for him. The boy was knocked off his horse by Vinson and Walker who swore that they were going to have that Lincoln mail. Bernard Holt engaged in a fight with Walker while Vinson cut the mailbag and took out and destroyed all the mail matter, and then took the horse from the boy. Both men left together
Bernard P. Holt alerted the citizens who made pursuit and captured Vinson about three miles from the place of the robbery. He was brought back to Cassville, and had a hearing before Justice James Stone, who held him over for further trial. Vinson was then put in the custody of Constable Bow, who summoned two citizens as guards to watch Vinson through the night. He however made his escape before morning. The Sandy Valley Advocate noted, "He and Walker are now at large. From what we can learn, all the officers were secessionists, as well as the guard, and therefore do not wonder at the escape of the prisoner."
In early September 1861, two companies of the Fifth Virginia Infantry, under the command of Major Ralph Olmstead, came to Cassville and remained for some two or three weeks, recruiting up Tug River. On September 28, 1861, according to John Frew Stewart, "When on their return, Major Olmstead bringing up the rear, they stopped at the Fred Moore, Sr., house, the first below Cassville. He did not dismount but talked to someone on the porch of the house, when he was shot by the enemy from the graveyard point opposite the house. The ball entered his head back of one ear, coming out just above the eye. He fell from his horse dead." Lieutenant Baisden was mortally wounded and succumbed to his wounds five hours later.
On October 15, 1861, Co. E, 5th WV Infantry was ordered to Cassville, mainly due to the incidents that had occurred there during the previous month. The men encamped in town on October 16. On October 19, they proceeded to Bromley Ridge and attacked a body of 40 rebels at John Jarrell, Sr.'s homeplace, killing nine, taking nine prisoners and nine guns. From there, the men continued scouting the upper part of Wayne for another two weeks.
In the fall of 1861, Jack Marcum began recruiting men from Wayne County as well as Lawrence County, Kentucky. He was able to assemble a group of nearly 100 men and began terrorizing Unionists along the Big Sandy River. On December 16, 1861, in consequence of rumors that a superior number of Confederates under Gen. Humphrey Marshall were advancing upon Louisa from Prestonsburg, the 14th KY Infantry retreated from their camp in Louisa and went to Catlettsburg. After the departure of the regiment, Jack Marcum paid Louisa a visit and rode through town accompanied by only one man, "in broad day light, and no one attempting to take him."
The 14th Kentucky returned to Louisa on December 21, 1861. The following morning, shots were fired from Cassville at the men who were encamped at Camp Wallace. Captain Means noted, "Five of my men were fired on from the Va. side of the river. They were on the Ky side [in the] morning "nobody hurt". five shots were fired - none of my men were armed."
On December 26th, after finally receiving their guns and equipment, the remaining companies of the 14th Kentucky left Louisa for the mouth of George's Creek to join Garfield's main force on their way to meet Humphrey Marshall's troops. This left Louisa in a vulnerable position. 150 tons of army food were still stored by the river, ready for transportation, but only three companies of infantry were left to protect them.
J. D. Stubbs related in a letter to Garfield that, “we have intercepted letters which Lead us to believe this place will be attacked from the Virginia side within a day or Two I think that there is a great probability of it we have been ___ the past 2 days and the most reliable Letters think a dash will be made Since our Supplies there must be at least 150 Tons here on the Bank of the River.” Captain Barber's men, 42nd OVI, were encamped just beyond the town limits. Shortly before sunset, a messenger arrived with the news that an attack was expected by a force of 300 men under Jack Marcum. 50 men of Barber's company went down to the river to assist in guarding the government stores but the expected attack was not made and the men spent a miserable night in the courthouse.
On December 29, 1861, Booker Johnson, a private in Co. F, 14th Kentucky Infantry, was shot at Cassville. The bullet ripped through his right shoulder and left side. George W. Kirk was standing within six feet of Johnson when he was shot. Kirk noted that he pulled a piece of blouse from the wound. Johnson survived the attack. Just one day later, on Dec. 30th, 1861, Jack Marcum came within three miles of the Union lines and murdered a Union man in his own home.
Garfield detailed Captain Thomas D. Marcum of the 14th Kentucky Infantry to lead scouting parties and encountered Jack Marcum on occasion. Despite the fact that both men were related, “Jack and Thomas have exchanged shots a good many times; both are dreaded by the opposite party," according to Lt. Col. Sheldon, 42d OVI.
In March 1862, after Colonel Garfield's Campaign against Humphrey Marshall was successfully concluded, Colonel Jonathan Cranor, 40th OVI, became the ranking Union commander in the Big Sandy Valley. His style of managing the district differed considerably from Garfield's who believed in conciliatory policies when dealing with the local population. Cranor preferred handling rebels with a firm hand which made him quickly unpopular.
In the early summer of 1862, there were rumors or threats of the burning of Cassville, as revealed in a letter by a female Confederate spy who arrived at Cassville by boat with three heavy trunks, suspected of containing weapons and ammunition. She spent some pleasant time with like-minded friends in town before continuing on her journey into Eastern Kentucky. After her return to Catlettsburg on June 29th 1862, she addressed a letter to "to Miss Marey Mitchell Miss Edea Stone Mis Nancy Ann Ratiliff and all the young laidies and Mared [married] ladies and People in Jenerall of Cassvill VA." She wrote, "Deare friends fore as people of Virginia I leave here said and all her people I must call you all friends ... I will bee Back up here in About three Months I think then I Will have some time I hope that Nothing has happend to you all thare I herd that they was A going to burn the town But I hope they Will Not I Will leave here this morning or to Morrow Morning I expect I Will let you here from Me at gaine at My Next Post ... fare Well May godes Love Peace and grace Rest With you all and Keep you from harm My undieing Love fore the people of Virginia"
Whatever plans may have been in place for the destruction of Cassville, it is quite possible that they originated with Colonel Cranor - or at the very least, he was blamed for them. Shortly after July 18, 1862, when Cranor moved his troops and headquarters from Prestonsburg to Louisa, Kentucky, rumors of an assassination plot against Cranor surfaced. A man named Aldridge was overheard in Cassville making threats against Cranor. According to witnesses, Aldridge devised a plan to assassinate him and, together with James Smith, bought a gun for that very purpose. He hung about the hillsides, watching for Cranor, with the intention of shooting him the first time he came out with his regiment on dress parade. Aldridge's plans, however, never materialized, quite possibly because a large scale Confederate invasion of Kentucky was looming over the state. Cranor would soon have his hands full. Chances are he would be attending to business rather than attending dress parades.
Humphrey Marshall's troops were at the SW Virginia border, once more threatening the Big Sandy Valley. It was feared he would invade Eastern Kentucky and move toward the Ohio River. By August 2, 1862, Cranor believed that a raid into Southeast Kentucky by Jenkins' cavalry and others was imminent.
As the situation unfolded, it seems to have stimulated Confederate enlistments in Wayne County and around Cassville. Milton J. Ferguson was recruiting for the 16th Virginia Cavalry. Cassville area men who joined were Ezekiel Stone, (s/o James), with the rank of Sergeant Major; James S. Parks and his sons James and Macajah; Robert Harrison Parks (brother of James S.) and his son Thomas; Lewis Frasher, (s/o John L.) and his uncle Elias Frasher; William Dyer, with the rank of sergeant; William Wellman (s/o James) and his cousins Oliver and William Wellman.
After the Confederate invasion of Kentucky was in full force, the situation in the Big Sandy Valley became unsustainable for Cranor and his men. On September 18, 1862, he was forced to move his troops from Louisa to Catlettsburg. A trooper in McLaughlin's Squadron reported that the unit's relocation from Louisa was necessary because the town was in danger of being surrounded by Marshall's forces. For the next two months, the Big Sandy Valley was virtually swept clean of Union troops.
According to reports, by October 19, 1862, the rebels were, "in possession of the portion of Northeast Kentucky embracing the counties of Greenup, Carter, Lawrence, and others to the southward as far as Pike, and are committing depredations upon the property and outrages upon the persons of loyal citizens which call for prompt repression. The forces alluded to--mostly guerrillas--are not understood to be large, not exceeding 500 or 600 at most. Another force of about the same strength, said to belong to Floyd's command, is reported to be at the salt-works on the Big Sandy River above Louisa."
Colonel Cranor did not return to the Big Sandy Valley with his command until November 14, 1862, when they arrived at Catlettsburg. Cranor wasted no time and moved most of his men to Louisa by November 19, 1862. The 84th Indiana Infantry did not join Cranor's troops until a month later. On December 14, 1862, after traveling the Sandy River pike on the Virginia side, the regiment arrived in the vicinity of Cassville at 8 o'clock in the evening. One of the soldiers noted, "the men, worn out by the forced march, and thinking of dropping down by the roadside caught sight of camp fires of the 40th Ohio, about a mile ahead. The band struck up "Hail Columbia," and in a few moments the boys of the 40th were swarming from their bunks to the bank on the opposite side of the river. As soon as the 84th was identified, it was welcomed with roaring cheers from the camp across the river, who graced it the more warmly as their force was thought to be too weak for the place it garrisoned. Col. Cranor of the 40th, who commanded the Brigade, entertained the field officers and held a jubilee at headquarters. Orders came to the 84th to go into temporary camp until morning and, as fence rails were plenty, a few minutes sufficed to illuminate the camp and to prepare supper."
The next morning, like a herd of foundered horses, the men of the 84th were out limping about camp, performing the usual morning duties and surveying the strange country about them. At the head of the regiment was the little town of Cassville, Virginia." "... it was occupied principally by secesh families ... Cranor gave orders for all to leave except two families," noted another soldier.
"At six o'clock in the morning after our arrival at this God-forsaken portion of America, an order was read to the citizens giving them two hours to vacate the town and move beyond our lines. One family that had furnished a volunteer for the Union army, and a widow with a large family of small children, were the only ones allowed to remain." One can only speculate as to who these two families were that were spared. Stephen M. Marcum's family seems like a logical choice since his son was a captain in the 14th Kentucky and was serving in the Atlanta Campaign during this time. Widow Nary Short may have been the second person whose home was spared from destruction.
By eight o'clock the town was uninhabited. Then commenced the work of destruction. Cranor "ordered the soldiers to demolish the houses, which was done in double quick." "Every vacated house was torn down except a few reserved for hospital use." "The lumber was used in building bunks, laying floors in tents, etc., etc. At ten o'clock the town was in ruins and the soldiers cosily quartered in a comfortable camp."
New Castle Courier, March 3, 1871 |
As it turned out, Cassville's destruction was Cranor's last hurrah. He resigned from the 40th OVI on February 5, 1863, on account of disability and accepted a position as Military Claim Agent for the State of Ohio on April 29, 1863.
The damage Cranor inflicted on the town seems to have been thorough. An 1864 map of Louisa, created by Lt. Col. J. H. Simpson, Corps of Engineers, US, and dated July 1864 to June 1865, shows no trace of Cassville whatsoever, aside for the ferry landing and Wayne Street.
Lt. Col. J. H. Simpson's map |
With the exception of James Stone, not much is known about the displaced Cassville families. Stone eventually ended up in Catlettsburg by 1864, from where he sold his Cassville lots No. 9 & 10 to William Bartram. Afterwards, he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for some time before returning to Cassville after the war.
In 1864, the town began slowly to struggle back on its feet. The IRS Tax Lists for 1864-1866 show that the first business to return to Cassville were Moore & Rowe in May of 1864, who partnered in a manufacturing business. In November 1864, Bromley & Wellman began working as butchers of cattle until July 1865, when John L. Frasher took over the job.
In July 1865, Thomas D. Marcum went into the retail business under the name T.D. Marcum & Co. In August 1865, Z. C. Vinson opened a second retail business in Cassville and David Mitchell returned to operate a manufacturing business, most likely his saddle shop. 1865 also saw the return of Harmon and Peter Loar.
In January 1866, Samuel Short, Jr. bought Lot No. 22, built a two-story dwelling house and opened a retail business. In March 1866, William Bartram established a hotel and in May 1866, Perry, Arnold & Co. opened a retail business. After giving up butchering in 1865, John H. Bromley went into the lumber business in July 1866. In November 1866, Workman & Co. began selling liquor and James Stone finally returned and opened a second hotel in Cassville. Also still in business were T. D. Marcum & Co., Z. C. Vinson and John L. Frasher.
Despite the progress that had been made, peace did not come easily, especially for Unionists or those who were serving in some official capacity for the new state government of West Virginia. On March 23, 1866, John W. Holt, Assessor of District 2 in Wayne County, wrote a letter to West Virginia Governor Boreman, calling for troops because of continued unrest in town. He noted, "I live and keep my office in Cassville and it is with extreme difficulty and under great danger and hard threats that I am getting along. My entire neighborhood is Reb with the exception of old Squire Bartram and his boys one of which is our high Sheriff and other Capt. Dave which is our Deputy Sheriff. ...We have been beat by mobs and shot at on the streets and desire to help ourselves....We must have from 25 to 50 men here in Cassville or else we must get out of here. This is the landing place for all the lumber men that comes down Tug River. Them big buck Rebbells comes down in time of high water sometimes by the dozens from Logan Co. & from Pike Co. Ky with their __ buckled around them "hurrawing" for Jeff Davis, cussing the government, cursing Union men & then we have to get out. Sir, I frequently see men come in here who are indicted for murder in Kentucky defying any body ... Sir a few days ago they gathered in here and raised a riot with our high Sheriff and fell on him with clubs & weights & tried to kill him and his brother. His brother ran into my house for protection. They stoned my window, knocked two panels out of my door & like to killed my little child. ... If you see fit to protect us send the commitions immediately the men can be raised in a few days ... Sir we have plenty of arms which belongs to the state that can be gathered up."
On March 9, 1867 the Fort Gay Post Office was re-established, with George W. Adkins as postmaster. By June 1868, the situation in and around Cassville remained unstable. Lt. Col. S.W. Crawford, 2nd US Infantry recommended that a company should be stationed at Cassville because "the whole complexion of things is very different from that existing in the interior of West Virginia."
Accordingly, on July 4, 1868, Company B, 2nd US Infantry, under the command of Captain Francis E. Lacey, marched from their post at Guyandotte via Wayne Court House, to Cassville, where they arrived on July 5, at 11 o'clock in the morning. During the following four months, Lacey and his men remained at Cassville and played the role of peacekeepers. Their assignment ended in October 1868.
Peace eventually returned to Cassville and wounds began to heal. Over time the town began to flourish until the 1880s when it was visited by several fires. In May 1883, ten houses were burned. Less than a year later, in February 1884, arson destroyed two hotels, three business houses and several residences. In October 1888, Samuel Short's two-story dwelling house went up in flames.
173 years later, little is left of Frederick Moore's vision of Cassville. Gone are the ferry and river boats, the hotels and businesses. Only a few of the older buildings remain, keeping the memory of a bygone era alive for just a little while longer.
Empty lot in former Cassville Image by author, November 2022 |
Old home in former Cassville Image by author, November 2022 |
A special thank you goes to Angel Thompson whose knowledge of local Cassville/Fort Gay history has been of tremendous help.
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Researched, transcribed and written by Marlitta H. Perkins, January 2023. Copyright © 2023, All Rights Reserved.